February 5

Best Montessori Beads


Montessori is a specific method of teaching and approach to education that was developed by the Italian physician Maria Montessori, and it is based on self-directed activities and hands-on activities in which children can make their own creative decisions while learning.

That way, the children are encouraged to initiate their own learning processes through curiosity and eagerness, which in time also promotes independence.  

Montessori beads are excellent for teaching maths to kids in this method, as it helps them understand things such as the decimal system in a fun and engaging way.

You can plan plenty of varied activities and games with Montessori beads, and all of them will help the child develop their mathematical skills in a fun way. 

There are plenty of Montessori beads available in today’s market, especially as the Montessori method is becoming increasingly popular and more widely used within classroom environments and at home.

They come in many different ways, in boxes, kits, or other, and they offer a wide range of possibilities for fun and creative learning.

If it’s your first time purchasing some Montessori beads, you might struggle to pick amongst all the products on offer. It’s always best to find a high-quality and versatile option so that you can get a lot more out of the beads.

To help out, we’ve compiled a list of our top five picks for the overall best Montessori beads, so you can take a look at them and decide! 

In a hurry?

If you want your child to take charge of their own learning process, and to creatively engage with knowledge so that they are eager to discover new things and they become more independent in their own journey of development, then some Montessori beads are a good start.

If you’re in a hurry to get the very best, we recommend you check out our number one top choice: the Elite Montessori Store Checker Board Beads. 

The Elite Montessori Store Checker Board Beads are truly the best possible option when it comes to Montessori beads, as they are high-quality, extremely durable, and are backed by plenty of positive reviews and ratings, making them a top product.

They come in a convenient wooden box with several compartments and a lid, so you can keep the beads neatly organized and stored away when not in use.

The product contains 20 rods of beads for every color of bead, which is more than enough to provide for a wide range of mathematical activities and learning games.

Made from plastic and copper, these Montessori beads are highly durable and long-lasting, allowing you to use them regularly for years to come. 

Here are the main features: 

  • Highly reliable and high-quality top brand
  • The beads come in a wooden box with different compartments and a lid 
  • It contains 20 rods for each color of bead - a great number of beads 
  • Beads are made from plastic and the rod is made from copper 
  • Highly versatile and ideal for engaging in mathematical activities of different levels
  • Highly durable and long-lasting


Elite Montessori Checker Board Beads

The Elite Montessori Store is a highly reliable and high-quality brand when it comes to buying Montessori learning products, as you’re guaranteed that they’ve been designed with the Montessori method in mind.

The Elite Montessori Checker Board Beads are at the top of our list because they are an excellent product option, a top Amazon choice, and backed by a huge number of positive reviews and ratings.

These Montessori beads come in a wooden box that has several different compartments, for organizational purposes, and a lid to keep them secure. It contains 20 bar rods for each color of bead, able to count from 1 to 9.

And with these colored bead bars, your child can take part in all of the Checker Board activities to develop their mathematical skills.

The little bars to which the different bead groups are attached are made from copper, and the beads themselves are made out of plastic.

Overall, these beads are highly durable and long-lasting and can be used regularly without wearing down or getting damaged.

The size of the box is 11.75-inches x 9.3-inches x 1.4-inches, and it’s perfect for keeping the beads neatly stored away when not in use.

With the great number of beads included in this product, you have great versatility for maths activities and for different levels of mathematical learning.

Easy to use, high-quality, and perfect to engage in the Montessori method!


  • Highly reliable and high-quality top brand
  • The beads come in a wooden box with different compartments and a lid 
  • It contains 20 rods for each color of bead - a great number of beads 
  • Beads are made from plastic and the rod is made from copper 
  • Highly versatile and ideal for engaging in mathematical activities of different levels
  • Highly durable and long-lasting 


  • Some customers claim that the beads weren’t painted to a high enough quality 


BOHS Montessori Bead Stair Set, 1-10 Counting, with Sorting Tray- Compact Educational Toy for Preschool Learning

The BOHS Montessori 1-10 Bead Stair with Holder is another excellent and highly popular product and a very close second on our list of top picks.

These beads are made from incredible premium materials, made from high-quality beech wood that is a lot more substantial and heavier than other woods, and copper wire. 

The overall size of the product is around 4.3-inches x 7-inches. While classic Montessori bead stairs contain 9 segments, the BOHS bead stair contains 10 segments of wire strung with beads, from 1 to 10.

This allows children to learn to coin from 1 to 19, along with many other mathematical activities and games of different skill levels.

Every number of beads is in a different color, which helps the children grasp the concept a lot faster, and they measure between 7mm and 8mm in diameter.

Apart from being an excellent tool for teaching toddlers and young children how to count and some simple maths, it is also a great sensory toy for children with autism, and for children that need to further develop their dexterity and motor skills.

BOHS is highly confident with their product, as it meets all the standards for quality, and they offer a satisfaction guarantee that provides you with a full refund, no questions asked, if you’re not satisfied with the product. 


  • Made from high-quality premium materials: beech wood and copper wire
  • Contains 10 segments of wire strung with beads counting 1 to 10
  • Upgraded from the classic Montessori bead stair - more versatile 
  • Ideal for maths activities for toddlers and young children, and ideal as a sensory toy for children with autism 
  • Satisfaction guarantee - full refund with no questions asked 


  • No significant downsides 


Kghios Montessori Golden Beads Materials Decimal System Bank Game Montessori Math Toys Mathematics Teaching Aids Materials Baby Preschool Education Toys

The MY Toy Shop Montessori Golden Bead Bank Game is another amazing product option for those that are looking to engage their child with the Montessori learning method, with it providing versatile options of mathematical activities and games.

It is suitable for children over 2 years old, and it is essentially a decimal banking game. It is made from high-quality materials, with beech wood and plastic, which makes it highly durable and long-lasting so that you can use it regularly for years to come.

It has a commodity composition with 9 pieces of 1000 position beads, 30 pieces of 100 position beads, 30 pieces of 10 position beads, and 30 pieces of each position bead.

It also contains a set of 1-9000 dozen cards, two sets of 1-9000 small cards, one set of calculation symbol cards, and five wooden storage plates. 

The complexity it offers can adapt to many different skill levels, and it combines sensory impression with the learning of different mathematical operations, to help children understand additions, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

It is also ideal for understanding the decimal system, and for many different mathematical games to engage in creative learning.

MY Toy Shop is also incredibly reliable, and it offers satisfactory solutions to any issues you might encounter when purchasing the product.

It comes with an instruction manual, and you can also find plenty of YouTube videos on how to get the most out of this Montessori bead product!


  • Suitable for children over 2 years of age
  • Made from high-quality materials - beech wood and plastic 
  • Complex bead bank system with a huge number of components and accessories - ideal for many different mathematical activities and games at different skill levels
  • Combines sensory impression with a deep understanding of the decimal system and mathematical operations 
  • Reliable customer service and a manual of instructions included with the product


  • You need to specifically ask for the instructions to come in English, or they will arrive in Chinese 


New Sky Enterprises Montessori Checker Board Beads Early Development Mathematics Material for Kids Wooden Toy

Another great option for Montessori beads, for those looking to engage in a more creative learning method, is the New Sky Enterprises Montessori Checker Board Beads.

It comes as a box, with several compartments and a lid, that can keep the beads neatly organized and stored away when not in use.

The box then contains 9 rods of each colored bead, with the ability to count from 1 to 9. These different rods of beads are what allow you to take part in the different Checker Board activities, which can be adapted to fit into different mathematical skill levels.

They’re ideal for engaging in basic mathematical operations, and for helping your child understand the decimal system in a practical and sensory way.

It has been designed to be highly durable, able to withstand regular use for years to come.

They are ideal for use at Montessori schools, and for use at home. And as they provide with a great versatility of use and activities, these beads are definitely a good product to invest in!

Overall, they are a popular product on amazon, backed by many satisfied customers.


  • Comes in a box with compartments and a lid - convenient and organized 
  • Contains 9 rods of each color bead - can be used to count from 1 to 9 
  • Ideal for engaging in basic mathematical operations and the decimal system 
  • Designed to be highly durable and long-lasting 
  • Versatile and ideal for Montessori school and home use 


  • The quality isn’t as good as other Montessori beads - some beads might arrive defective 


Elite Montessori Teen Bead Hanger with Beads Preschool Learning Material

Last but not least on our list of top picks we have another product from the Elite Montessori Store, proving once again that they have a wide range of Montessori products on offer that are both reliable and high-quality.

The Elite Montessori Teen Bead Hanger is basically a wooden hanger with hanging rods of beads and small tiles at the top that count from 11 to 19. It includes nine golden beads of 10 and 1 to 9 colored bead stairs.

With it, you can engage your child in different mathematical activities, so that they can learn simple operations and the decimal system in a sensory and creative way.

The product is made from high-quality wood, and it has a smooth finish so that it is easier to play with and use.

It’s recommended for children of age 4 and up, as it is designed for more complex mathematical understanding than the Montessori beads aimed at toddlers.

Overall, customers are highly satisfied with the versatility of this product, and by the quality of its manufacturing, so it definitely makes for a good Montessori beads item!


  • Suitable for children aged 4 and over
  • Wooden hanger with bead rods and tiles that count from 11 to 19
  • Ideal for engaging in mathematical operations and a deeper understanding of the decimal system
  • Made from high-quality wood with a smooth finish
  • Versatile and perfect for engaging creatively with the Montessori method


  • No significant downsides 

Best Montessori Beads Buying Guide

Montessori beads are an incredible choice of material to work with if you’re looking to engage your child in a more creative and involved approach to mathematical learning.

With them, your child can take charge of the learning process, exploring mathematical concepts in a sensory, creative, and fun way.

Montessori beads come in many different setups and toys, and there are plenty of them available in the market.

The problem is, that if it’s your first time purchasing some, you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of choice and you might not be sure of which product to go for.

It’s important that you aim for Montessori beads that are high-quality, durable, and versatile enough to allow for plenty of learning and games. 

Here are the basic factors that we like to take into consideration when determining whether a product is good enough or not: 


The higher quality that the materials are, the better and more durable the Montessori beads will be.

You should always aim to purchase a product that you know is going to last a long time so that you can use it regularly and enjoy it with it feeling the best that it can.

This is especially important with Montessori beads, as sensory interaction is a big part of the learning process. 

Functionality and design:

Montessori beads can be assembled and set up to provide for many different functions, and they come in many different designs and toy types.

What’s important, is that they can be used in a versatile way, usable in many different mathematical activities and games.

They should also aim to engage children in a creative way while engaging their curiosity and combining sensory interaction with a clear understanding of mathematical concepts. 

Age suitability:

Different toys will have different specific aims and different activities that they are best used for.

You should always check the age suitability so that you make sure that you are using the appropriate Montessori beads for your child at all times, as that is what will guarantee good progress in their learning. 

Size and storage:

You should also take into account where and how you are going to be using the Montessori beads.

For example, if you’re purchasing them so that your child can use them at school, you should look for Montessori beads that come in a box, so that they are safely stored and organized and can be easily transported. 

As for the size, it depends on how much storage room you have for your child’s toys, and on how manageable you want the beads to be. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How are Montessori golden beads used?

Montessori golden beads are the most iconic and traditional beads used in the Montessori method of learning.

They are used in several different setups and toys, to engage children in a sensory and creative approach to mathematical learning.

With them, children can gain an understanding of counting, the decimal system, and various basic mathematical operations, ranging from different skill levels and ages. 

What are the five principles of the Montessori method?

The Montessori method was developed by the Italian educator and doctor, Maria Montessori, and it is based on the idea that children can take charge in their own learning process, by encouraging eagerness, independence, and a creative approach to knowledge.

There are five basic principles: 

  • Respect for the child
  • The Absorbent Mind
  • Sensitive Periods
  • The Prepared Environment
  • Auto-Education 


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